Standard Launch
Vendor:Francesco Crema
Launch Date:2019-Dec-27
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $49
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

How much did you earn on ACX today?

Let me guess. You just don’t know.

ACX Sales Dashboard just doesn’t tell you how much you earn.

Such an easy feature, yet extremely useful.
Which, for some reason, has never been implemented.

I set to work to solve this problem.

And I came up with AudioReport, the only tool that makes ACX dashboards useful

AudioReport works on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox


Also available as 2-tier affiliate program

Nice but… How does it work?

AudioReport integrates into ACX dashboard.
But it adds a single feature: royalties.
Opening the dashboard, you will be able to see the dollars generated by every single book in your specified timeframe.
Oh, one more thing. See the purple square in the bottom-right of the screenshot?
It contains the sum of your books royalties.
All that is computed in a few seconds, directly on ACX dashboard.


Get your JV link today

Also available as 2-tier affiliate program

AudioReport works on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox
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