Event:WordCamp Ann Arbor
Location/City:Ann Arbor , MI ,USA
Price to Attend:$36



WordCamps are casual conferences that are local in nature. Topics cover everything related to WordPress and include things such as blogging, coding, branding, and security.

People of all skills and professions attend WordCamps and find their experience valuable. From those who have just heard of WordPress to those who provide WordPress solutions for a living. WordCamps are designed so everyone can find the content and help they need.

The WordCamp community is incredibly friendly and welcoming — we even host a first timers event to help anyone new to WordPress eet others within the community and better enjoy their experience. The value of WordCamps is hard to ignore. If you add up the attendee gifts, speaker sessions, freebies, personalized support and afterparty refreshments we’re actually paying you to attend.

Come and join with us in this event.

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