Event:The future of Communications Conference
Location/City:Chicago, IL, USA
Topic:Social Media Conference
Price to Attend:$1749

An event for forward-thinking PR, internal communications and social media pros! Discover what’s next in the world of internal communications, PR, and marketing. You’ll hear from forward-thinking professionals. Current market trends, research, tools and more that can help communicators obtain buy-in and grab a seat at the table. You’ll learn ways to protect your organization’s reputation in an era of misinformation and distrust. Best practices for working with reporters and influencers to drive mentions and clicks. You’ll also learn how to tell stories across generations through video and beyond, and how to capture the attention of employees who are bombarded with information. Learn secrets for harnessing relevant data—and measurement that matters. Ideas for handling crises that can go viral within hours—or minutes. Practical ways to take advantage of current innovations and new technology. Also, the essential skills PR pros must-have in today’s ever-changing media landscape.

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