Event:SEO Campixx
Location/City:Berlin, Germany
Topic:SEM, SEO
Price to Attend:532-$1464


At the SEO Conference SEO CAMPIXX, for years, everything revolves around the area of ​​SEO, an important building block in online marketing. Here meets the professional SEO scene and discusses in networking or in lectures / workshops about the current developments in the field of organic search of Google and Co .. It is a special marketing conference of insiders, because in a world that is becoming faster and faster turns, the exchange of opinions and experiences is an important part of the success.


What is really different?

We connect the participants and create a spirit of connectedness and enthusiasm. We make sure that you get to know other participants and exchange knowledge in a “warm” atmosphere (smaller groups / workshops / lectures).

Give and take is the goal, in the end to create a win: win situation for everyone.

With up to 120 lectures & workshops, you have a huge selection of topics and different perspectives. The main difference to other SEO conferences is that topics are also discussed that do not take place at other conferences.

Come and join us at this event. For more detail, please visit our official website. https://www.campixx.de/seo-campixx/

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