Standard Launch
Vendor:Eric Holmlund et al
Product:Amazing Stock Video Firesale
Launch Date:2017-May-23
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Launching May 23rd @ 11am EST from Eric Holmlund, Paul Counts, & Leon Kolenda

Amazing Stock Video Firesale

Click Here For The JV Page

Product Name: Amazing Stock Video Firesale
Vendor: Eric Holmlund, Paul Counts, & Leon Kolenda
Product Niche: Video, Video Software, Local/Offline, Internet Marketing
Launch Date: Tuesday, May 23rd through Tuesday, May 30th
Launch Time: 11:00 AM EST
Affiliate Network: JVZoo

I have known Leon Kolenda for several years, and he has always impressed me with his knowledge and passion for video! Whether it is shooting amazing footage on his high end 4K camera or editing an amazing project he is a step above the rest!

It Is Safe To Say This Beats All Other Stock Video Offers…

This offer is a collection of some of the finest and most creative stock video clips filmed and edited by Leon himself using his own creativity! These are clips you won’t find anywhere else, but inside this special launch sale!

Your customers will get over 100 fresh, unique, and never seen before stock video clips!

Over $1,000 in cash prizes!

Front End – 100+ Stock Video Clips (With Developer’s Rights)
Upsell #1 – 300 More Stock Video Clips (With Developer’s Rights)
Upsell #2 – Leon’s Amazingly Simple Green Screen Course
Upsell #3 – Leon’s Amazing Cell Phone Videos Course

50% commission through JVZoo across the funnel.

Get your affiliate link, stock video demos, and swipes at the JV page here!

Contact Paul Counts on Skype at paul.counts or Facebook Messenger

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