Standard Launch
Vendor:Elon Bomani
Product:Fortune By Azon
Launch Date:2015-Feb-24
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $997
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

The “MOTHER OF ALL” FBA course has finally arrived. Now you get the opportunity to help your subscribers make the best financial investment of 2015 by introducing them to Elon Bomani’s Fortune By Azon.


Fortune By Azon is a legit IM Biz in Box that will afford Individual who partner with Amazon to build a solid e-commerce business that could be passed on generationally.






And For all your effort, Elon Bomani and Internet Marketing Expert, Willie Crawford plan to make it worth your while for this product starting out as a $997 course with $10k in CASH Prizes!!! Additionally, we have very attractive upsells, downsells and continuity product all wrapped in this baby!!


Check out the JV page for the inside scoop of how Fortune By Azon may make a Fortune for you and your list!!



Save the date, Tuesday, February 10, 2015

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