Standard Launch
Vendor:Edwin Boiten
Product:Azon Local
Launch Date:2013-Apr-26
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:Affiliate Marketing 

Azon Local

Azon Local is a WordPress plugin that enables the user to take advantage of Amazon Local deals. Since last week Amazon opened up their local deals site for affiliates. Knowing Amzon this will be as big, maybe even bigger then Groupon and we are now at the very start of it.
Amazon pays affiliates on any purchase of a local deal within 30 days of sending traffic. So that is a lot longer then the usual 24 hour cookie then have.

Amazon is a hot item and this part is brand new so it should convert really well. This plugin is a first in it’s kind and your subscribers will love it


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