Standard Launch
Vendor:DPAPA et al
Product:Pintra Software & Training
Launch Date:2018-Jun-04
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 -$32- $37 -$27 - $97
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:Other 

Pintra Funnel

50%Commissions on FRONT END

FRONT END $17- Sales Page 

FRONT END $27- Sales page


COUPON : 5off currently running and then After launch period price goes to 67/month


50% commission on Rest of Funnel







The Product

Pintra has TWO parts to it:

1. Software: We give your customers a powerful cloud-based software and WP Plugin and a Chrome Extension which will completely automate the way you find content online, and using Pinterest as a gateway to your free traffic back to your websites and blogs or even ecom stores.   You’re gonna be getting hundreds of free targeted visitors a day, using this software .

2. Training and case studies: We have a full video training course where we walk your customers step by step on how they can drive 100% free traffic with Pinterest, including case studies and real examples.


The sales page has beta testers taking it for a spin, and we are using real testimonials from REAL beta-testers who have gotten results using Pintra.   There will be NO DOUBT in your customer’s mind that this works.

3-day Launch

This is going to be a 3-day scarcity-driven launch.


We’ll be giving away $500 for 1st, $350 for 2nd, and $150.

The Funnel

Front Ends $17 + $27

*included Advanced Affiliate Marketing Mastery ,  FB Mastery , Case studies

OTO 1 Pintra Scheduler – $32

OTO 2 Pintra Expansion – $37

OTO 3 Pintra Robo – $27

OTO 4 Pintra Fusion $97

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