Standard Launch
Vendor:Devid Farah
Product:T-shirt Confessions
Launch Date:2015-Jul-07
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $47
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 


Hey jv partner,

I am going to keep this short and to the point.

On June 30th you’ll be able to promote a T-shirt/Fb training course that is going to deliver an immense amount of
value to your subscribers and will have your jaw dropping at the same time…

I will reveal the TRUTH about the t-shirt/fb marketing industry that NO ONE is willing to share with the “little guys”.

***Prepare to be SHOCKED.***

You will discover why I got BANNED from some of the top t-shirt/fb marketing groups out there.

What THEY did to me left me totally speechless…

You need to know that I was an INSIDER of some secret masterminds/fb groups and the information I found out inside those masterminds BEFORE getting BANNED is absolutely INCREDIBLE.

See, I’ve literally CRACKED the CODE with T-shirts and Fb ads in the past 6/7 months generating 5 figures per month and my methods will finally be out to the ENTIRE WORLD…

…and I am going to EXPOSE this industry like has NEVER been done before!

I know already my launch is going to pi** off a lot of people…

These guys don’t want me to EXPOSE this stuff. It’s the REAL stuff that works and my BANISHMENT (together with some nasty fb conversations) was a signal to keep my mouth SHUT.


Take it as some sort of “revenge” against these selfish and unscrupulous people.

I strongly invite you to signup to my jv page to read my entire story because i’ll have some very important confessions to make.

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