Standard Launch
Vendor:Deni Iskandar
Product:eCover Graphics Pro V2
Launch Date:2015-Oct-19
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $12.95
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Earn Massive, Instant Commissions And Cash In BIG While Providing HIGH QUALITY Product To Your Susbcribers

ECOVER GRAPHICS PRO 2.0 is a bundle of 60 premium quality ecover templates covering the top niches out there. It Also come with all the PSD source file and fonts included at a price you won’t find anywhere on the web. These HIGH-QUALITY eCover templates are designed to help Authors, Product Creators, or Publisher make the best out of any product design and branding, Kindle or PDF Book Covers, and more.

We’re talking about an easy solution to high quality professional book covers that will enable your customers to stop paying expensive fees to graphic designers. Let’s face it, not everybody has graphic design skills! Hiring a graphic designer can be very expensive, and outsourced graphics are plain amteurish . This is why we created ECOVER GRAPHICS PRO, to help people save precious time and a ton of money on book cover designs.

Earn Up To $102 PER Sale On Instant Commissions + $1,425 Cash Prizes. Checkout our JV page for funnel details, prizes and promo material

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