Standard Launch
Vendor:Dean Rodd
Product:Rabbit Whiteboard Video
Launch Date:2013-May-20
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $15
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:Social Media 
Create Your Own WhiteboardVideos,
Easy, Cheap, Professional

Hi Warriors,
my name is Dean, and I’m from RabbitAnimate.Com

We’re team that specialize in creating whiteboard videos, sell it for $349 to $699 per minute, in the other hand, also provide cheap but professional whiteboard videos in Fiverr.

I know .. I know .., there’s too much people offering you to create whiteboard videos, some are overpriced, others give you crap videos.

Why don’t you CREATE it yourself ?

Yeah, there is a software that you can use for creating whiteboard video, EASILY !!

Is it SUPER SECRET SOFTWARE ?, Nope, if you know about it, you’ll know it. it’s Sp*rk*l (ups, I won’t reveal the name here, if you ever heard it, Yes! it’s what you think it is. If you haven’t heard it. Google it dude

anyway, I won’t sell a WSO that tell you what’s the name of the software, or basic stuff how to use this software.

No, it’s more than that ..

Watch it yourself, it‘s MORE than you think …

I’m whiteboard video creator, why should I write sales letter when I can create whiteboard video that show what will you got ? Okay, cool. Check this video below :

Not only that, I will also provide you with IMAGES LIBRARY that you can use with the software. It’s not PNG or JPEG images. It’s SVG images that rendered smoothly in the software.

More ?, I’ll give you custom ‘hand’, it’ll help you create video that WAY BETTER than any other amateur whiteboard video outside there. Watch this ..

Want to see some SAMPLE ?

And here the IMAGES LIBRARY screenshot :


Start from $9, dime sale, price increased $1 for every 10 sales. Until $19.9

Rabbit Whiteboard Video

Still not convinced ?, your competitors are,
buy now, before we close this WSO



FAQ and Updates :

Q : What is this ?
A : This is tutorial products that can help you in creating whiteboard videos

Q : And ?
A : And 80 images library, in SVG, plus 3 hands that can be used in the software

Q : So, it isn’t software ?
A : No, it isn’t. you still need the software itself. This WSO more like custom brush or pattern or action in Adobe Photoshop.

Q : Okay, cool. Is there any demo ?
A : Yep, you can see post #1 for demo

Q : Any OTO ?
A : not right now, but I will sell more SVG in near future

Q : What can I do with the SVG ?
A : You can use it to creating your videos as well as your clients video. but selling the SVG to other people is prohibited. you can’t sell it in any way.

Q : Can I promote your WSO ?
A : Of course !, if you have lists that interested in whiteboard video or video scribing, or you want to promote it in your web, blog, or any other media. Click Here to promote this WSO and get your affiliate link. We will also create some other WSO related to whiteboard video in near future.

Q : Is there any Upsell ?
A : Yes, there is. Hundreds of another professional SVG that you can use to creating your professional whiteboard video.

here’s some sample that are created by the Upsell SVG pack :

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