Standard Launch
Vendor:David Cisneros
Product:Mobile Site Machine Mobile Software: Bootstrap Template Edition
Launch Date:2014-May-15
Launch Time:12:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $7-$10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Hey fellow JV’s, it’s Dave Cisneros here, and I want to thank you for stopping by and checking out my JV page for our next product. This product is a terrific package for anybody who sells mobile website templates.

I have created an “Easy to Use” mobile website software.  No more having to edit your mobile website templates.  The easy to use Windows software is a must have for anybody who wants to sell mobile website templates as an offline service.

The front end consists of a ton of mobile goodies including mobile template software, lead gen pack, and niche image pack.  The OTO is the premium software upgrade that will create a slider and youtube template version plus a custom video for their lead gen package.

FRONT END: $7 100% commission

OTO: $47-$67 50% commission

Hope to have you all on board, thanks for checking out my product.


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