Standard Launch
Vendor:Danny Turner
Product:WP Easy Mobile
Launch Date:2013-Jun-25
Launch Time:06:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
What makes WP Easy Mobile unique is it’s design structure.
I began designing this plugin with three main aims –
– To selectively use the current content from the main WordPress site
– so if I edited the content on the main site the mobile site was
automatically updated, and to be able utilize all the features available
within wordpress, the plugins and shortcodes that make
Wordpress so versatile.
– To have lightweight code that loads quickly
– To be user friendly, an easy to use user interface that  even a newbie could use
WP Easy Mobile achieves all of these goals and delivers more…..because I am using css to define the appearance of the site I can change the css code and create different “looks” to the mobile site without touching the core code ….. brilliant!
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