Standard Launch
Vendor:Dan Green
Product:WP SociMate
Launch Date:2018-Apr-10
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

WP Socimate is a new plugin that takes automation to a whole new level.


It will work on any WordPress site , in any niche (even brand new ones) and it gets…

REAL facebook followers

REAL twitter followers

REAL instagram followers

100% automated content for your WordPress site AND all your social profiles.

PLUS it uses the social audiences it grows to deliver REAL traffic 24/7 too It a 100% automated solution. Don’t have any WordPress leads? Don’t worry. This plugin is designed to work on brand new sites, and as a bonus we will even help setup WordPress for those that don’t have it. This really is something that anyone can promote. JV Page with DEMO + AMAZING PROOF – >

REMEMBER going live April 10th. Please let me know if I can count on your support, any questions let me know!



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