Standard Launch
Vendor:Dan Green
Product:PayMember 2
Launch Date:2019-Nov-19
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Dear JV Partner,

I’m back with my most powerful and innovative software ever.

Paymember 2 is a great way for any website owner to MONETIZE their site and get 300% more income, with no extra work!

You see the problem is that the traditional ways of making money from your site, like banner ads, adsense and list building are really bad at actually making you an income!

Only” 0.2% of visitors ever actually click a banner ad”

And let’s suppose you are using Adsense…. that pays out $0.5 per click on average.

So you basically need HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of DAILY visitors to make any sort of income.


So we thought there had to be a better way. How could you acually start making some money from your site WITHOUT NEEDING SO MUCH TRAFFIC?!

We did some research and found out that many top websites like the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, had discovered the same thing…

That JUST running advertising does NOT lead to profits.

They were all losing MILLIONS on their websites until they did a REALLY SMART thing.

They started a PAYWALL on their site, and made visitors PAY to get premium content.

The net result was MILLIONS of DOLLARS or PROFIT!

But of course for your average marketer setting up a paywall like the new york times would be REALLY HARD… or would it?…

Introducing PayMember 2… the amazing software that allows ANYONE to deploy a paywall on their site and transform their profits from their website overnight!

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