Standard Launch
Vendor:Dan Green
Launch Date:2020-Nov-30
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




Comparisites creates and hosts fully automated price comparison websites, filled with ANY products you want, and tracks the prices LIVE on amazon, wallmart, ebay and a bunch of other e-com platforms, to show site visitors the lowest price for ANY product on the internet.

All you need to do is sign up as an affiliate on your choice of various leading e-commerce sites. We provide a selection of different affiliate programmes for you to choose from, including Amazon, Ebay, Wallmart, Target and many more.

Then you get your affiliate ID from each of the e-commerce platfoorms you want to be an affiliate for and enter them into Comparisites.

Next simply search for what kind of products you want to add to your site. For example you could fill your site with the latest Apple products, or you could dedicate your site to sneakers from different brands… you can create your comparison site about literally any kinds of products you want.

All you need to do is find the products you want on Amazon. Then copy and paste the amazon URL for each product. Once you’ve added all the products you want on your site click a button and that’s it youre done!

Comparisites creates and HOSTS an entire price comparison website for you filled with your chosen products.

Our super smart software grabs all the titles, descriptions, customer reviews, images, all the info you could want on your chosen products, and automatically adds it all into your site without you doing a thing.

AND here’s where it gets really clever. The price of the product on each of the different e-commerce platforms you selected is shown LIVE on your site.

So every time someone visits your site they know exactly where the least expensive place is to buy their favourite products online.

AND pay attention to this because this is really cool.

Each time someone clicks to buy through your site your affiliate link is automatically added for you and so you get full credit for the sale, from the relevant affiliate program and cash in big time as an affiliate!

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