Standard Launch
Vendor:Curt Crowley
Product:Free Social Image Redirect App
Launch Date:2015-Sep-15
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Free Social Image Redirect Android App  will be one of the largest product Launches of this year, due to the nature of what the product can do! Social Calls enables you to Post Images On Social Networks that reacts differently if a desktop/tablet or mobile phone click the link. Desktops and tablets will be redirected to a website, while a Mobile phone will be Mobile Re-Active and Dial a Number! Offline Businesses will love this! Image a Pizza Restaurant being able to post an Image of their Special for tonight on Facebook, with a Click to call, when a viewer clicks the image while on their mobile phone, it will start a phone call! POWERFUL!! No other product has this ability! Works on Android Devices.  OTO is at 50% of $27 Upsell of WordPress Version of the Android App.

Online affiliates, we have not left you out either, click to call affiliate programs are popping up all over, in July of 2012, Google reported it is driving 15 million calls a month to US advertisers via Pay Per Call advertisement. You can do this too, inside of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and more!

JV Affiliates will earn 50% of the $27 Upsell Price.

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