Standard Launch
Vendor:Cory Friedman
Product:Product Launches On STEROIDS
Launch Date:2015-Nov-19
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $7-$14.95
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:List Building 

The Product Launches On STEROIDS System is an extremely leveraged (yet newbie friendly) product launch blueprint that will ‘hold your customers hands’ through an extremely powerful 6-Step IM Launch Formula I’ve been using for over 7 years…

…to generate a multiple six-figure income for myself… working just an hour or two per day.

The Product Launches On STEROIDS system is so powerful, it will ensure your customers get solid of JV support (even on their very first launch)… allowing them to offer 100% commissions to JV’s while earning them $1000’s in profit, due to the ingenious way they will be taught to set up their sales-funnel.

Even better, by following the PLOS system you’re customers will be adding 100’s…even 1000’s of ‘cash on demand’ BUYERS to their email list with each launch they do!

Best of all (and this is what really makes PLOS unique). This will work for your customers even if they are not an ‘expert’, have no income proof or results to showcase…or they can’t write a LICK of sales-copy!

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