Standard Launch
Vendor:Cory Friedman
Product:Kindle Romance Tycoon System
Launch Date:2015-Mar-04
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $7-$15
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Hey folks, Cory Friedman here and thank you for coming to take a look at our JV Page for the Kindle Romance Tycoon System
(Launching on March 4th, 2015 @ 10:00 AM EST)

Quick Launch Details:

* 100% Commissions Across Entire 3 Product Funnel

* White-Hot MASS APPEAL Kindle Niche (my previous Kindle launches sold 1000’s of front-end units). We are expecting much more from this one!

* $25,000 In Video INCOME PROOF to explode conversions (my partner on this eats, lives and breathes Kindle Publishing and this system flat out WORKS like nothing else I’ve ever seen.

* Top 5 JVs That Send The Most Sales Get 50% Commissions of the High-Ticket Coaching Clients we bring in via BONUS webinar in members area AND from live webinar conducted exactly 1 week after launch. *** 50% of the revenue generated from all the coaching clients we bring in from this launch will be divided EQUALLY across the to 5 JV partners that send the most sales. Our standard coaching prices is $2000 this racks up to extra thousands fast if you’re a top JV!***

* Even though refunds on our coaching are virtually non-existant, if a refund ever occurs WE WILL PAY IT, NOT YOU!

* All copy written by expert myself (expert 10 year+ copywriter) and we are using PROVEN high-converting BUNDLE upsells that consistently produce over 30-40% take rates.

* Launching on JVzoo

See JV Page For Past Launch Success Proof AND For Salescopy Preview!

About The Kindle Romance Tycoon System Core Front End Offer

Over the last 4 months I have joined forces with an incredibly successful Kindle Publisher Muhammad Sikandar… who currently makes well over $25,000 per month passively on Amazon Kindle, with over 50% of his income coming from the insanely profitable Romance niche.

On the JV page you’ll be able to watch a video showcasing his incredible Kindle Publishing earnings.

Inside the Kindle Romance Tycoon System your customers will discover the exact, super-leveraged and unstoppable Kindle Publishing System that makes up over 50% of Muhammad’s income. This is the ONLY kindle publishing system that actually ‘HANDS-YOU’ 100% Unique, $100-$600/Month Earning 15,000+ Word Romance Books for PENNIES On The Dollar, as it …

Book-Reviews With The PUSH OF A BUTTON …

In fact, this system is so powerful and leveraged, that your customers will be able make use of Muhammad’s unstoppable ‘Ultimate Promotion System’ That Literally ROCKETS Every Single Book You Publish 
To The TOP Of Kindle Search For DOZENS Of 

So that’s the big picture of what the Kindle Romance Tycoon system is all about, and why it will be incredibly valuable to your customers.

Upsell Funnel Details:

OTO #1 – $27 – 100% Commissions
OTO #2 $ $37 – 100% Commissions

And of course the 50% high-ticket commissions that will be paid EQUALLY to the top 5 JV’s that send the most sales!

For more info and to see the white-hot salescopy, click the ‘salescopy preview’ link at the top right of the JV page.

I always reciprocate to significant JV’s. As long as it makes sense and is a WIN/WIN/WIN proposition.

Where Was I The Last 3+ Years?

It’s important you know that around 2011-2012 I put up several WSO’s that did over 1000 front end sales each. I’ve had a WSO of the day, and about 7 different JVzoo POTD’s. In fact, I never launched a product on JVzoo that did not get JVzoo POTD.

For the last few years I took a break from the launch world as I needed some time to figure out how I really wanted my business model to work.

As you can imagine, I realized high quality launches were an essential business pillar I could not do without… so as they say “I’m Back”.. this time with the combined forces of the most successful Kindle Publishing partner I’ve ever been lucky enough to work with….

So that’s it for now… make sure to sign up for our special JV partner email list on our JV page to Get Review Copy Access, 100% Commission Bumps Across The Entire 3 Offer Funnel, and to Qualify to receive High-Ticket Coaching commissions + Early-Bird Promo Access.

And of course, make sure to mark your calendars for Mar 4th @ 10:00 am EST when the Kindle Romance Tycoon System launch goes live…

We look forward to pleasing the pants off your customers with the most powerful and leveraged Kindle Publishing system available and of course making you a whole lot of money!

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