Standard Launch
Vendor:Cory Friedman
Product:Kindle Cash That LASTS!
Launch Date:2015-Apr-15
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $10-$15
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Hey JVs, Cory Friedman here and thank you for coming to take a look at our JV Page for the Kindle Cash That LASTS System!
(Launching on April 15, 2015 @ 11:00 AM EST)

Quick Launch Details:

* 100% Commissions Across Entire 3 Product Funnel

* White-Hot MASS APPEAL Kindle Niche (my previous Kindle launches sold 1000’s of front-end units). We are expecting much more from this one!

* $30,000+ In Video INCOME PROOF to explode conversions (my partner on this eats, lives and breathes Kindle Publishing and this system flat out WORKS like nothing else I’ve ever seen.

* All copy written by expert myself (expert 10 year+ copywriter) and we are using PROVEN high-converting BUNDLE upsells that consistently produce over 30-40% take rates.

* Launching on JVzoo

See JV Page For Past Launch Success Proof AND For Salescopy Preview!

About The Kindle Romance Tycoon System Core Front End Offer

Over the last 4 months I have joined forces with an incredibly successful Kindle Publisher (Muhammad Sikandar) who currently makes well over $30,000 per month passively on Amazon Kindle.

Inside the Kindle Cash That LASTS System your customers will discover the 4 Golden-Keys Of Everlasting, Evergreen Kindle Income & Sales For Every Book They Publish…

Income that remains consistently strong and DOES NOT slow down or decrease for any published book… even YEARS after publishing a after publishing!

Kindle Cash That LASTS is the Only Kindle Publishing System that ‘Locks-In’ PERMANENT Competition Crushing, Sales-Exploding Besteller-Rankings FOR LIFE, as it…

Generates MASSIVE, ‘Category-Dominating’ Sales-Spikes AND 50+ White-Hot Book REVIEWS With The Push of a Button…

GUARANTEEING You & Your Customers a Never-Ending, Never-Decreasing $100-$1000/Month Passive Income For Every Book You Publish… WITHOUT LIFTING A FINGER!

So that’s the big picture of what the Kindle Romance Tycoon system is all about, and why it will be incredibly valuable to your customers.

Upsell Funnel Details:

OTO #1 – $27 – 100% Commissions
OTO #2 $ $37 – 100% Commissions

For more info and to see the white-hot salescopy, click the ‘salescopy preview’ link at the top right of the JV page.

I always reciprocate to significant JV’s. As long as it makes sense and is a WIN/WIN/WIN proposition.

So that’s it for now… make sure to sign up for our special JV partner email list on our JV page to Get Review Copy Access, 100% Commission Bumps Across The Entire 3 Offer Funnel + Early-Bird Promo Access.

And of course, make sure to mark your calendars for April 15th @ 11:00 am EST when the Kindle Cash That LASTS System launch goes live…

We look forward to pleasing the pants off your customers with this game-changing Kindle Publishing system and of course making you a whole lot of money!

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