Standard Launch
Vendor:Cory Friedman
Product:Autopilot Forum RICHES!
Launch Date:2012-Oct-29
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $9.95 - $14.95 Dimesale
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Recently a killer WSO launched that empowered people to rake in online cash in a super-stealthy, good-karma based, under-the-radar way… By FIRST sending their visitors to a genuinely helpful, newsworthy article on an AUTHORITY site that evokes massive trust and credibility…

But then… when they try to exit… this awesome little script displays a Pop-Up ad of your choice…

It was a tremendous little script, but it got me thinking…

What if I could create an set of outsourcer training videos that would get a dirt-cheap (but quality) outsourcer to become knowledgeable enough about your niche area and the current ‘hottest topics’…

So that they could post in the highest-traffic forums of your niche for hours each day with genuinely helpful replies, and of course your special ‘exit-pop loaded’… high-credibility, money-getting authority site link?

So every day… 100′s even 1000′s of ultra-targeted buying visitors would be directed from the forums through your special authority/news links… satisfying their desire for relevant, credible info… while making you $100′s… even $1000′s daily from affiliate/CPA commissions generated by the exit pop! 

Well, that’s exactly how ‘Autopilot Forum RICHES’ came to be, and it’s probably the most do-able, realistic, and effortlessly scaleable passive income system I’ve ever had the pleasure of devising.

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