Standard Launch
Vendor:CJ Moses
Product:Facebook Ads Influence PLR
Launch Date:2016-Oct-10
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $7
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Affiliate page:

Offer: $7.00 start of dimesale

Commissions: 50%

OTO: $10.00 

Commissions 50%

What’s Inside:

8 Articles

►Facebook Advertising Mistakes to Avoid (727 words)

►Facebook Advertising Without Being Spammy (648 words)

►Using Facebook for Customer Attraction and Retention (602 words)

►3 Facebook Advertising Tips for Better Performance (680 words)

►6 Ways to Increase Your Facebook Advertising for Free (658 words)

►How the Facebook Advertising Program Works (643 words)

►4 Tips on Creating Winning Facebook Ads (682 words)

►How to Improve Advertising Click Through Rates (619 words)


Short Report- “The Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Advertising” (21 pages, 3,413 words)


►3 Reasons Why You Should Spend Your Advertising Dollars on Facebook

►Advantages of Facebook Ad Targeting

►The Potential Growth of Facebook

►Competition and What It Means for Advertisers

►Who Can Benefit from Facebook Advertising



Main Report- “Facebook Advertising Success Blueprint” (43 pages, 7,266 words)


►Getting Started With the Basics of Facebook Advertising

►How to Plan and Make Your Ad Campaigns Work Effectively

►Audience Insights: What It Is and Why You Should Not Overlook It

►Building a Facebook Ad from A to Z

►The Power Editor: Gain More Control Over Your Facebook Ads

►Split Testing Your Ad Campaigns: Changing Variables



 Complete Funnel

Squeeze Page- 1 page, 117 words

Sales Page- 5 pages, 1,198 words

Thank You Page- 1 page, 55 words


Cheat Sheet- 2 pages, 412 words

2 Bonus Tutorials

OTO: ($10) @ 50% COMM.

Webinar- 38 slides with notes: *Content based on Front End Short Report

Complete Training Course: *Content based on Front End Main Report

Introduction- 10 slides with notes

Module 1- 22 slides with script notes.

Module 2- 18 slides with script notes.

Module 3- 19 slides with script notes.

Module 4- 24 slides with script notes.

Module 5- 11 slides with script notes.

Module 6- 11 slides with script notes.

6 Action Worksheets per Module

4 Email Swipe Files (for Webinar + Replays)

1 Bonus PDF- 50K Webinar Cheat Sheet

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