Standard Launch
Vendor:Cindy Donovan et al
Product:DFY Hero
Launch Date:2019-Jul-01
Launch Time:09:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Create completely built out, WordPress powered websites for any niche – ready to go, with images, multiple pages, beautiful templates and more – all with the click of a button.  This is perfect for anyone needing a client’s website ready in seconds (anything from personal training to lawyers sites ready to go), or an ecom store on the fly (woocommerce integrated) – or even a sales page just waiting for you to tweak with your own details.

Join the launch for the one-click software your subscribers will DROOL over, wipe their chins and throw money with excessive vigour.   It’s going live on the 1st of July!

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