Big Launch
Vendor:Chris Munch
Product:LoveClaw Webinar Launch
Launch Date:2013-Apr-25
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $197
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:DigiResults 

Mail Now to Register Your Leads For the Webinar! This Thursday April 25th I’m hosting a live webinar event that presents a new opportunity for you to earn up to $98.50 per sale with the high-converting LoveClaw Package.

On The Live Webinar…

I’ll Be Showing…

Why Google is struggling to get critical ranking data. Knowing this is going to give your audience an immediate 350% advantage for free traffic.

Google’s newest shocking algorithm change that has gone unnoticed, and how a simple widget addresses this algorithm change.

A 6 figure traffic case study that acts as tremendous proof to close your audience on the power of LoveClaw.

The $98.50 LoveClaw Bundle Funnel…

On the webinar attendees will be offered three individual LoveClaw Packages to suit their needs:

Bundle #1 – $47 @ 50% ($23.50 e.p.s.):
LoveClaw Emotion Traffic Software

Bundle #2 – $97 @ 50% ($48.50 e.p.s.):
LoveClaw Emotion Traffic Software
+ LoveClaw T+ Beta Software

Bundle #3 – $197 @ 50% ($98.50 e.p.s.):
LoveClaw Emotion Traffic Software
+ LoveClaw T+ Beta Software
+ *NEW* ViralClaw Viral Page Builder

LoveClaw is the highest converting funnel I’ve ever created…

And the top 20 Jvs mailing the sales page have an average EPC of $7! The webinar is going to be even stronger!

So make sure to mail your list and invite them to join this exclusive one-time webinar event…

… so they can bring in more traffic and rank higher…

… and you can earn up to $98.50 per sale!

My webinars have brought in $35 per LIVE attendee in the past, so getting your leads onto THIS webinar is the safest bet for making a tidy profit.

Get your webinar affiliate links and swipe here:

IMPORTANT: It is not the same affiliate link as the regular LoveClaw sales page.

Invite your friends to this launch on Facebook:  

Don't Miss It! Mark Your Calender Now: