Big Launch
Vendor:Chris Munch
Product:BIG Traffic Software Launch (private)
Launch Date:2014-May-06
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17-$37
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:Other 


$20k Prizes & A Completely New Invention… You Might Want to Read All This:

Every so often you’ll come across a COMPLETELY UNIQUE software product that kick-starts an entire new sub-niche, and when you make the decision to promote such a ground-breaking product you know it will go down as one of your most profitable promotions EVER!

Clones will undoubtedly follow trying to cash in on the brand new trend, but they are too late and can never can recreate the big hit success of a unique first-to-market innovative product.

The HookPages Launch is One of Those Rare Events…

Something big from Chris Munch is coming, and this is your chance to be the first to cash in…


– Software that produces ‘minimal’ pages for epic results
– A method & software which has doubled the advertising revenue of
– A method & software which increased the traffic of Muncheye by 30% with one single campaign
– A case study in the healthy eating niche brought over 20,000 visitors, and added 1000 Facebook Fans
– Chris Munch’s results TYPICALLY bring 5 figure traffic
– Content creation is optional
– Campaigns can be launched in as little as 30 minutes (from start to finish) and bring 4-5 figure traffic!

With results like these using software and methods developed by Chris Munch, and the fact its the first public launch, this is going to be big…

FE Price: $17-$37 at 50%
OTO: $97-$497 at 50%

All seasoned affiliates are invited to this ‘Application Only’ launch. Please apply here.

Existing approved affiliates please contact Marj Moira or Chris Munch for details.

Invite your friends to this launch on Facebook:  

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Discover Chris Munch's Brand NEW Underdog Method For 5-Figure Pay Days & Scalable Recurring Profits