Standard Launch
Vendor:Chris Jenkins et al
Product:WP Spy Online
Launch Date:2015-May-24
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Over $2,000 Up For Grabs!


In addition to the MONSTER commission you can make from promoting thisHIGH-CONVERTING launch, we have also stuffed it with COLD HARD CASH. The best part about this launch? There really is NO MINIMUM SALES…

Amazing Prizes

    Amazing Features Inside!

  •     Discover the plugins and theme used by any wordpress blog
  •     Instantly download any free plugin and theme…with one click…pretty awesome hey?
  •     Discover the Whois details about the site (great for offliners, service providers)
  •     Discover site vulnerabilities
  •     See all the social shares
  •     Get the domains backlinks Archive all your searches for future analysis
  •      View history of site, backlinks, shares etc.

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