Standard Launch
Vendor:Chris Jenkins et al
Product:Wordpress Blog Updater
Launch Date:2013-Oct-27
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $10-$17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

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Blogging is a HOT Topic!

People struggle everyday with keeping blogs up to date and when they have multiple blogs it can become a Major Hassle! We shared the same frustration with over 50 blogs to keep plugins and themes up to date not even to mention just keeping up with the WordPress updates.  This tool was not created to launch and make money it is a product that solved a HUGE problem for us and will do the same for you subscribers.  Not to mention make you MASSIVE commissions in the process.  Your subscribers will go absolutely CRAZY over WordPress Blog Updater!

Be sure to watch the video demonstration of our WordPress Blog Updater!

Your Affiliate Swipes, tools and contact details are below

WordPress Blog Updater Affiliate Program

JV ZOO – Product Self Hosted Page

60% on the Front End product:

The front end product is a FAST MOVING dime sale starting at $9.95 going up to $17.

50% on WordPress Blog Updater Upgrade (This Software Rocks!)

The OTO is a dime sale starting from $27.00 to $37.00.

50% on Blog Commenter/WP Spy Bundle which is the OTO2 & Downsell:

The OTO2 & Downsell is great software to put EXTRA CASH in your pockets $37.00 .

This is high quality Software followed by high converting Sales Funnel to maximize your earning.

50% on WP Spy  which is the  Downsell:

The Downsell is WP Spy alone just in case they do not want the bundle and it will offered for $17.00.

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