Standard Launch
Vendor:Chris Cole
Product:Perfect Affiliate Storm
Launch Date:2015-Jan-19
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $7
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:Affiliate Marketing 

Cool, Chris…
What is the The Perfect Affiliate Storm?

CRUSH it as an Affiliate with the PERFECT Affiliate Storm Tactics…

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Imagine being able to make a lot of sales and top leaderboards as an Affiliate. Having the correct strategies is key when running affiliate promotions.

The Perfect Affiliate Storm is Launch Jacking on Steroids. In this course I cover MANY different strategies that any affiliate can employ to dominate the search engines for any promotion they wish to run.

Yes in this product I am going to take the students into the world of Affiliate Marketing and show them the basics of mastering their promotions. Then I am going to reveal my methods for ramping up my efforts when promoting a product as an affiliate, leaving you dominating the search engines.

They can employ these strategies to begin making money and growing their affiliate income. Additionally this works in ANY niche.

I also reveal some cool back end tricks they can use to MAXIMIZE their results from their efforts.

This is a product NOT to be missed!

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