Standard Launch
Vendor:Chad Eljisr et al
Product:WP Funnel Profits
Launch Date:2017-Apr-03
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 



WP Funnel Profits

WP Funnel Profits is the Ultimate DFY Funnel-In-A-Box that includes the most up to date WordPress “How To” set of video tutorials with Private Label Rights.

But this is not JUST a another PLR product!…

What makes this PLR pack really special is that it’s totally geared toward building a profitable funnel in the hot in-demand WordPress niche.

This is a great fit if your list is interested in PLR, WordPress or Affiliate Marketing.

So here’s the scoop:

WP Funnel Profits is going LIVE on Monday, April 3rd at 11:00 am EST!
JV Details =>

The Front End of this DFY Funnel-In-A-Box includes:

– PLR to the most up to date 30 video tutorials, teaching how to set up a WordPress site.
– A high converting squeeze page template.
– A follow up email sequence of 12 messages that recommend related affiliate products that every person building a WP site will need.
– A Video training showing how to set up everything for maximum profits.

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