Standard Launch
Vendor:Chad Eljisr et al
Product:eTribe Marketing PLR Pack
Launch Date:2014-Mar-16
Launch Time:17:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

eTribe Marketing PLR Pack

“eTribe Marketing PLR Pack – How To Build Your Online Group Of Passionate People That Will BUY From You Again and Again”

LAUNCH DATE: Sunday, March 16th, 2014
TIME: 5:00 pm EST

You can check all the details on the JV page here:

Register to get 75% commission on the front end

While the direct JVZoo affiliate link is here:

The offer is a complete Sales funnel in a box product, that comes with full PLR.

This is a unique offer, like nothing you’ve seen before! And not JUST because Darren Scott Monroe contributed his extensive KNOW-HOW as well as his UNIQUE voice to create this very cool content…

… But also because Darren left the lower-ticket info-products market two years ago to focus on his HIGH-TICKET training and coaching programs!
So this is NOT your usual Private Label Right stuff –  this is PREMIUM content – for real!
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