Standard Launch
Vendor:Chad Eljisr
Product:Creativity Unleashed PLR Bundle
Launch Date:2019-Dec-18
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $13
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




Creativity Unleashed PLR Bundle

LAUNCH DATE: December 18th, 2019
TIME: 11:00 am EST

You can check all the details on the JV page here:

After the success of the 90 Day Plan PLR Bundle, Time Management Hacks PLR Bundle, Focus For Success and Vision Board Secrets, Positive Thinking Secrets, Productivity Success Kit and Goal Setting Secrets, this is the eighth partnership with James. W. Brown!

This PLR offer is created as an Instant Sales funnel in a box product, that comes with full PLR. It’s targeting the self-help and business niches – but it’s the kind of topic that scales across multiple niches, and it is evergreen and always in-demand.

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