Standard Launch
Vendor:Carl Picot
Product:Millionaire Marketing Summit Notes
Launch Date:2015-Aug-07
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 


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These are the notes that I took at the recent Marketing Summit in Liverpool from June 2015.
This awesome pdf contains 181 pages of pure actionable content that your list can use to take action from email promo’s that bring in $34.000 in 7 days from Sam Bakker to how to pay Zero taxes on your business income from Chris Winters.

The FE is going at 100% commissions — lease visit the JV page and sign up to the list for launch updates and email swipes.
If you need JV access please hit me up on Skype — carlpicot   

Or my FB is

I look forward to working with you to provide value to your customers and make YOU maximum money at the same time.

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