Standard Launch
Vendor:Zway Limited
Product:Zway Business Automation Suite
Launch Date:2024-Aug-14
Launch Time:12:00 EDT
Front-End Price: £995
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Zway has made the total integrated suite of 59 applications available for a once-off purchase price.  You may now buy the perpetual license for these applications at a fraction of the cost of traditional SaaS products.  This suite has sold thousands at a price of £79 each user each month, but now we are selling the PERPETUAL License for FIVE Users at just £995.00

This suite will replace apps such as Zoho, Insightly, Pipedrive, ServiceNow, Panda, Zendesk, SugarCRM,, Trello, Capsule, Act and many more traditional and expensive SaaS products.

For years, Smaller Businesses have been paying for licenses that only become more and more expensive and offer limited value.  Now you can stop paying those fees and transfer your data to Zway for a once-off fee.

The Perpetual license includes 5 users and if you need more, just buy more that one license code.

Applications such as CRM, e-HR, Service Desk, Help Desks, Product and Service Catalogues, BOM’s, Quotes, Proposals, Invoices, Order Management, Purchase orders, Stock, Assets, Digital Files and Document Management, Projects Management, Contracts Management, Tasks and Resources Management are all included as well as many others such as “Contact from web” where you can extend your own website out to link with your CRM or Service Desks to create triggers and Events in an automated system.

Because this product is so good.  It is easy to sell.  Because these other apps are normally so expensive, the replacement pays for itself in weeks.  Your clients will love you when you save them literally thousands of pounds every year, by telling them about the new way to acquire SaaS products.

Zway supports Affiliates with swipe files, free demo’s and trials and gives a 30-day, no quibble, money back guarantee.  Note that these products have NEVER been sold for a once-off fee before, so you have no other sales / conversion rates to compare with.  If we get the word out together about this wonderful new offer, then it should blow up for you and your sales figures will show the best you ever had.

This is a business to business sale of hardened, proven and highly reputable products.  The sale price and the commission rates reflect that position.

There is also a “sell down” or an upsell position for you as Zway is also launching the CRM and Documents Management part of the suite for a lower price at the same time, so clients that do not wish to invest in the full suite of apps can try it out with a less expensive solution first.

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