Standard Launch
Product:Desktop Mailer - Autoresponder
Launch Date:2016-Jul-10
Launch Time:15:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $20
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Launch 10th July, unique worldwide technology, billions of potential users, free copy for testers, 6.000 USD in Prizes

Desktop Mailer is the most advanced, user-friendly email campaign software in the world. Imagine being able to simply email thousands of people right from your computer desktop. No online clients. No monthly fees. No need for other people’s rules.

We are getting everything ready to go. Please check JV page for affiliate link.

Desktop Mailer eliminates the fear of hundred millions of people..

…uploading their Email contacts to third party servers….

Shoot me a message. Tell me a bit about yourself and I will send you a free complete copy of Desktop Mailer.
Have you ever heard the story, how Email contacts were abused by Email marketing service provider or were simply hacked and stolen? It can seem so complex and therefore many people doesn’t want to upset their email contacts.

NOW it’s easy. Using our exclusive new technology, sending an email campaign to a dozen or a thousand people is easy.

Be among first people in the world…

We want you to have first access to the program and give you a chance to make money from the software.

Here’s how our startup program works:

1. We will send you a full copy of Desktop Mailer 100% free!.
2. You test it for yourself.
3. You write a testimonial for us.
4. You sell the program to your contacts and make money simply for sharing the news.

Email me to get started.
Check our sales page to see, when are complete and ready to launch…

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