Standard Launch
Vendor:Britt Malka
Product:How to Write Your Own Kindle Book in Two Days
Launch Date:2013-Nov-24
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $7-$10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Hi JV,

How to Write Your Own Kindle Book in Two Days” is an eBook that will explain exactly how to get small Kindle books written in two days or less. The goal is to make the reader able to produce a new Kindle title every week, because a few published titles rarely does it. It takes more than one book to become successful.

Sign up for goodies for JVs on my JV page and let’s keep in touch. This is also where you can find the JVZoo links.

The eBook will be sold on a dimesale going from $7-$9.95, and there’ll be an upsell as well. More info will follow on my JV page.

See you soon 🙂

Britt Malka



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