Premium Evergreen
Vendor:Bill McIntosh
Product:Push Button AI
Front-End Price:$4994
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:Other 

Promote The Hottest AI Offer Available Today & Bank High Ticket Commissions…
Your Audience Will Thank You For It!

Vendor: Bill McIntosh

Product: Pushbutton AI


  1. Ultimate Full Pay: $4994.00 (built in 2-payplan of 2497 x 2)
  2. Premium Full Pay:   $1498
  3. Lite Full Pay:   $998


Commission: 40% FAST PAY

JV Page:

Content of the Webinar

Using new A.I. technology Bill shows the audience how easily they can have a new profitable business up and running in about 20 minutes.

This converts so well, Mike Filsaime ran it 3 months in a row : 

Book your back-end promo in TODAY and multiply your launch profits!

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Discover Chris Munch's Brand NEW Underdog Method For 5-Figure Pay Days & Scalable Recurring Profits