Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Bible Prompts Empire
Launch Date:2024-Feb-18
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: 17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

We are happy to announce the launch of our brand new “Bible Prompts Empire,” a comprehensive set of 448 prompts specifically designed to create stunning Bible images with Dall-e 3 for coloring book creation. Additionally, we are including an exclusive bonus of 180 ChatGPT prompts focused on monetizing your Bible coloring books.

Why Promote “Bible Prompts Empire”?

The Bible is the most sold book of all time, with well over 5 billion copies. So it’s easy to find out why this is a great group of people to target. People devoted to the Bible love to color images of Jesus, the Apostles, the Old and New Testaments, and more. And a coloring book in this niche is always a great gift.

Generous Commissions

You earn 50% on every sale. We are offering an exceptional 50% commission rate on every sale you make, from front-end to the last OTO. This is an excellent opportunity to boost your earnings in the first month of the year.

Exciting Contest of $600!

To make things more exciting, we are hosting a contest! The top 5 affiliates with the highest number of sales during the campaign period will win a grand prize of $600: $250 to the first, $150 to the second, $100 to the third, and $50 each for the 4th and 5th.

We have a great funnel to go, including:

ALL OTOs OFFER: This is a new offer I present after the front-end. Here, we offer all OTOs with a special package of prompts as a bonus to tempt people to get them all in one hit. It sells for $138 instead of $148, with a 50% commission. After they buy, they exit the funnel.

OTO1, a collection of 986 Dall-e 3 prompts for creating more Bible images for adult’s coloring books. It sells for $27 with a 50% commission.

OTO2, a collection of 2053 Dall-e 3 prompts for adult’s Bible coloring books, offers 26 extra categories and 27 Amazon easy-to-rank keywords. It sells for $37 with a 50% commission.

OTO3, a collection of 2265 Dall-e 3 prompts for coloring angels and cherubs. It sells for $37 with a 50% commission.

OTO4 is a collection of 2375 Dall-e 3 prompts for coloring the life of Jesus. They sell for $47 with a 50% commission.

Plus, by partnering with us, you will become a part of a dedicated and passionate team that values your support and is committed to helping you succeed by promoting your offers. We’re here to provide any assistance you or your customers may need.

We hope to count you in!

To your success,
Alessandro Zamboni and Paulo Gro

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