Big Launch
Vendor:Bertus Engelbrecht
Product:Pinterest Playbook
Launch Date:2012-Aug-01
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $9.00 - $13.95 Dimesale
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:Social Media 

Its a comprehensive Pinterest course, including pdfs, mindmaps, checklists, videos etc that covers everything from A to Z of marketing on Pinterest and driving traffic with it. It also has some never before seen techniques on using Pinterest for SEO and getting more followers. There are 3 OTOs – Advanced Video Coaching, Automated Software, and also a WP Plugin.

$2,000+ in CASH PRIZES, more info on JV PAGE:

SALES FUNNEL, price points and comm %:
Main offer (75% on $9.00 – $13.95 dimesale)
OTO #1 (50% commission on $13.95 – $16.95):
Backend OTO #2 (50% commission on $14.95 – $16.95 ):
Backend OTO #3 (50% commission on $12.95 – $14.95):
(We cross promote all OTOs, so you can earn on all 4 integrated offers.)

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