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TrendFunnelsUk have been affiliate marketing since 2014. In 2017 Trendfunnelsuk a subsidiary of TrendFunnels started marketing online with YouTube . TrendFunnelsUk YouTube Channels: TrendFunnelsUk Facebook: TrendFunnelsUk Websites : TrendFunnelsUk have sold millions of dollars of products for other companies. At TrendFunnelsuk we spend most of our time, sharing our experiences and strategies helping others do what we do on YouTube. How TrendFunnelsUk Promote Products: We take pride in our email list and customers. We will only promote products if they fit our customers and the products are high quality. If we get numerous customers telling us they never get support from the vendor, We will reconsider promoting their products. TrendFunnelsUk have a high quality MMO email list of both subscribers and buyers we email. We create product review videos and post on our YT channel, Twitter and Facebook as listed above. We share in our facebook group as well. If the product is high quality, has good customer support and fits our list well, We may also add it to the description of all our YT videos and the footer of all our email we send out.

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