Big Launch
Vendor:Anthony Aires
Product:10 Million Visitors
Launch Date:2013-Feb-15
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $100
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Brad Gosse and Anthony Aires bring you The Million Dollar Massacre… 2/15/2013 10am EST!

We need your help to make this The First Million Dollar Launch on an Instant Pay Platform hosted on JV ZOO! is the product and what we’re going to be doing is giving your customers an opportunity to get their business, product, affiliate offer, cpa offer, squeeze page, or brand in front of 10,000,000 Guaranteed U.S. Canada, and U.K. Visitors yes you read that right 10 Million GUARANTEED Visitors for a minimum of only $100 up to thousands of dollars!

The more they pay the more exposure they get and the more you make!

One sale alone could bring you in thousands of dollars.

These Ten Million Visitors will be delivered over the course of the year so the exposure will be year long not just in a burst.

We’ll also be getting lots of media attention from what we’ll be doing here so there will be lots of spillover traffic too meaning even more exposure for your customer’s offers.

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