Standard Launch
Vendor:Andy Black et al
Product:WP SEO Traffic Magnet
Launch Date:2013-Sep-26
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17+
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:SEO & Traffic 

Andy Black and Max Vershinin are teaming up to bring an awesome new product to the marketplace.

About WP SEO Traffic Magnet

WP SEO Traffic Magnet is our brand new plugin that helps users to quickly identify and add ‘relevant” traffic sucking keywords from within WordPress directly into their content.. with drag and drop ease..

Not only does our plugin provide a host of relevant keywords and search volumes, it also allows users to track which keywords have been included in their content along with their keyword densities.  This ensures that the users content has a much higher chance of ranking in Google and bringing in additional traffic.

The plugin allows for easy work flow enabling users to create and optimize their content with simplicity.

We hope you can join us on 26th September ’13 at 10am EST.

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