Standard Launch
Vendor:Andreas Quintana
Product:Quick Writing Royalties
Launch Date:2023-Jun-22
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $18
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:List Building 




Dear JVs

Quick Writing Royalties will go live on June 22nd, at 10 am EST. It shows you how to create posts/newsletters on a platform called Substack to monetize your writing with subscriptions. Over 40% of new subscribers to your newsletter come from Substack’s network, so growth is possible even without marketing.

There will be a $300 contest with no minimums.

1st spot gets $150, 2nd spot gets $100 and 3rd gets $50

Here is the JV Page:

The W+ Affiliate Link:

Would love to have you on board.

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