Standard Launch
Vendor:Amy Harrop
Product:Companion Publishing Profits
Launch Date:2017-May-23
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 



Introducing…Companion Publishing Profits
Release Date May 23rd, 11 AM Eastern

Publish and Profit With Popular and Easy To Create Workbooks and Responsive Journals

Cash Prizes for Top Affiliates!

Affiliate Contest Dates: May 23 – June 4

Companion Publishing Profits Reveals:

  • How to catch the wave of already popular books to grow your own publishing empire with workbooks and journals.
  • How to easily create content that sells–sometimes without writing a word.
  • Where to find popular publishing trends you can take advantage of.
  • How to expand your publishing income even faster by leveraging content you already have.
  • Real-life examples and strategies of Companion Publishing successes.
  • And much more!

Learn  more here:

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