Standard Launch
Vendor:Shane Paxton
Product:Amazon Niche Pack Takeover
Launch Date:2018-Aug-17
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $25
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 






“Finally Learn How to Put All Of Those Niche Packages You Have Purchased to Good Use and Create Highly Successful, Money Making Niche Affiliate Sites That Convert Like Crazy!”

Your subscribers will see Step by Step Exactly What to do With Your Niche Packs to Create Commission Generating Niche Affiliate and Product Review Sites … We even provide the Amazon Niche Packs!

Amazon Niche Pack Takeover is a comprehensive training course that shows your subscribers how to use those Amazon Niche Content Packs that they have purchased in the past.  This is a product that 99% of your subscribers want and need.
This training also shows your subscribers how to create a Amazon Affiliate Product Review site the right way.
Your subscribers will absolutely love this training course as it meets a desperate need…and that’s
1. How to use the niche content packs that they have invested hard earned money into to create a successful amazon affiliate site.
2. How to create a amazon affiliate the right way

This complete package takes you step by step through the process of getting a domain and hosting all the way through using the content in a niche package to create a successful niche affiliate site.

Basically, your subscribers will get everything they need to turn those niche packs into highly successful niche affiliate sites!

Your customers will also get:

[+] A complete niche content package to use along with the training to build your amazon affiliate site.

[+] 4 Additional Niche Packages that include articles, graphics, amazon product reviews, review videos, keyword research and much more!

[+] 3 WP Plugins

[+] 3 Bonus Niche Blogs

[+] They also receive a Premium Marketing Theme that has all the awesome features you need in your theme.

Over $400 Value Counting the additional bonuses!

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