Standard Launch
Vendor:Alex Athey et al
Product:Azon Cash Cannon
Launch Date:2014-Jul-29
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:Affiliate Marketing 

Alex Athey and Steve Cooper present Azon Cash Cannon, which provides a full featured course with videos and guides coupled with desktop software to automate and speed up site building.  Check out the JV page for more details and a link to the sales copy!

FE:  main course + software at $17 and 65% commissions

Upsell:  outsourcer guide and training materials + done-for-you-sites and a WordPress plugin at $17 and 50% commission

Downsell:  just the done-for-you-sites and WordPress plugin at $7 and 50% commission

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