Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Product Ideas Empire
Launch Date:2019-May-27
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




Hello and welcome to Product Ideas Empire JV Page.

“Product Ideas Empire” is the first of three products that shows the complete strategy behind a top launch. In these last 12 years, I’ve launched more than 100 funnels on WarriorPlus and generated something like 33,000 sales all over the web.

So I think the right moment has come to let your followers know how to launch a profitable product from start to finish.

The first guide focuses on how to find ideas for new products, following my secret trends research I fine-tuned over the years. The eBook includes the following content:

– My Brilliant Lesson On Mindset.

– 8 Methods To Generate Unlimited Ideas, Right When You Are Looking For Them.

– 3 Case Studies About My Top Products, And Where I Got The Idea From.

– How to Apply Strategies To Different Niches.

– 20 Websites Where Great Ideas Are Waiting For You.

– Step by Step Descriptions With Screenshots, To Help You Understand Better.

As you can see, nothing is missing on the important subject of finding profitable ideas and trends for future launches.

But that’s not all…

OTO1 shows how to create the material for the launch, including eBooks and video series, sales letter with my copywriting tricks, sales pages and download pages. This goes for $27.

OTO2 is all about the launch phase. I show how to create and promote a JV page, how to create the launch on WarriorPlus and how to bring it forward to the max. This goes for $47.

Finally, OTO3 gives them the opportunity to make a 1-hour call with me, where I will show the steps they are missing to become VIPs of product launching. This goes for $500.

Thanks so much and see you on the leaderboard!
Alessandro Zamboni

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