Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:PLR Golden Series - RSS Traffic Rocket
Launch Date:2022-Jun-21
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Hello and welcome to the official “PLR Golden Label: Series 1” JV Page!
This launch is something special and unique. Every month, I will give away one of my funnels with full PLR rights and Whitelabel rights. 
For the first release, the product I selected is RSS Traffic Rocket 2.0, which is completely updated and with all working links. Here is how the funnel is composed:
The front-end includes the front-end of RSS Traffic Rocket 3.0 with full PLR rights. It costs $17 at a 50% commission.
OTO1 is the OTO1 of RSS Traffic Rocket 2.0, called “RSS Traffic Secrets,” where I show how to automate traffic from social media. It sells for $27 at 50% commission.
OTO2 is the chance to grab Whitelabel rights on FE + OTO1, going for $47 at 50% commissions.
OTO3 is the change to join the membership and ensure you don’t lose a launch of my Golden Label PLRs. It costs $47, including the Whitelabel license.
OTO4 is a collection of master-resell-rights ebooks. Five thousand books for only $17, at a 50% commission.

I hope to count you for this launch, and see you on the leaderboard!

Thanks so much and see you soon!
Alessandro Zamboni & Luisa Gallivanone
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