Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:Journals Empire 2
Launch Date:2020-May-27
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




Journals Empire is back! The course who sold over 1,500 copies is back with a brand new version, even more amazing and professional!

Journals are not the latest market craze, but after one year and half from the release of my first course, I can say they are a well established business that is growing like crazy, day by day.

The video series “Journals Empire 2” will make your customers a part of this growing industry, because they will learn:
– The Top 5 Niches for Creating Hot Journals, Uncovered.
-​ The Steps To Create Each One Of The 5 Journals.
– How To Find New Journal Niches.
– Three Secret Tools To Test The Niches Before Publishing.
– The Secret To Dominate Amazon SEO.
– Where To Find (And Steal) The Keywords Of Bestsellers Journals.
– How to Create Fantastic Covers For Your Journals.
– How to Publish Your Book On KDP.
– 2 Ways To Sell Your Journals Like Crazy.
– And much, much more!
This is without any doubt the best and easiest course to follow to become a journal author. I built this from zero, without taking neither a video from the first release. It’s all new, and based on my studies.
A journal requires no more than 20/30 minutes from creation to publishing on Amazon as a paper book, and this business can work great with the right number of journals.
This course also includes some new and never seen before OTO’s:
OTO1, which sells for $27, gives a further 7 step-by-step videos to create 7 additional new journals, which are even more beautiful and creative.
OTO2 sells for $27 and gives your customers all the best “copy & paste” page templates for creating journals like a pro.
OTO3 sells for $47 and it gives a set of ready journals with PLR, based on the journals shown inside the course.
OTO4 is my Kindle Business, that shows how to start a business over Kindle.
This is a well planned funnel for fans of publishing, Kindle, writing and new businesses and trends seekers. Ideal for you to promote to a Kindle list or to an online marketing list.
Thanks a lot and see you soon,
Alessandro Zamboni
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