Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:IM Robot Automation
Launch Date:2013-Nov-19
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Hello and welcome to my latest product launch. I have been selling products since 2008, and this is my 18th product release on Warrior Forum. Incredible? Read more below… 🙂

I created “I.M. Robot Automation” to simplify the efforts of Internet marketers, because now you can stop paying freelancers and stop paying for costly software.
This product will provide you with information on hundreds of free websites and free software to automate all your daily tasks in minutes.

Each one of these “robots” can perform a single task or multitask several jobs at once.
Just activate them following my easy step by step how-to instructions using screenshots.

You will be able to distribute your content worldwide using the power of RSS automation, and social networks. Distributing your content automatically onto 101 different free services.
Find out how to keep your list updated, on a daily basis, without writing a newsletter every day. Discover a free automation network which includes 23 special links. You can even find out how your name or company name is being portrayed on the web in order to try and decrease negative comments and increase positive ones.

Thanks to the tens of thousands of feeds and websites that focus on new trends, you can get more ideas, process information up to 2 times faster, and discover countless ways to work faster and better. If you can’t find the right robot, you can create one from scratch thanks to a free program for PC and Mac. It can change your life for the better and give you more time for your family and hobbies.

These are just a few examples of what you will find inside this 90+ page ebook. Something like this has never been released before and is the result of extensive research, trials, errors and study. What I can now offer you with this publication will never be available all at once like this again, especially for this price.

This publication and the information it provides is priceless, saving you time and money.

It will shorten the time required for tedious daily tasks, and get them done while achieving the same quality.
If you would like to participate in this launch, I will give you all the assistance you need on this JV page, offering great prizes for the best affiliates. Enter the contest now for a chance to join a group of winners backed by the unique 100% Italian Warrior!

Thanks so much and see you inside!
Alessandro Zamboni

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