Standard Launch
Vendor:Alessandro Zamboni
Product:GDPR Cheatsheet
Launch Date:2018-Feb-26
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $4
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Hello and welcome to “GDPR Cheatsheet” JV Page!

This is a huge funnel with a low entry point, ideal to cash-in with easy commissions.

Inside this new cheatsheet, I will explain how to prepare for the “General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)”, impacting European businesses and international businesses too who have connections with European businesses or customers.

I will give your customers a full cheatsheet with links and videos to discover more and get ready for the GDPR.

Inside they can find:

– 11 up-to-date social media sources.
– 8 sources of last information
– Top 3 affiliate networks.
– 17 links to stay informed.
– 3 latest updates.
– 5 top videos.
– 6 ways to make money.

Your customers will love this product because they will be able to save their business on time, avoiding up to 20 million dollars fines, or to lose 4% of their annual income.

On OTO1 I offer PLR version of the cheatsheet. So your customers can sell it for profits.

On OTO2 I offer my secret RSS Feeds, never released before, that I use on daily basis to find product ideas or concepts to write about in articles. This is a gem.

On OTO3 and OTO4 there’s the software to create these cheatsheets in one minute, in the basic and deluxe versions.

This is a special opportunity, and we are proud to bring this cheatsheet funnel on the market.

Thanks a lot and see you soon,
Alessandro Zamboni

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